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Blog/How To Make A Medium Roast Decaffeinated Brew 

How To Make A Medium Roast Decaffeinated Brew 

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Hey there, coffee enthusiasts! Ready to whip up a delicious cup of joe without the caffeine kick? Let’s dive into the world of Sherlock’s Pico de Orizaba – our star medium roast and decaffeinated blend!

Your Decaf Delight: Sherlock’s Pico de Orizaba Medium Roast Decaffeinated Coffee

What you’ll need:

  • 2 tablespoons (about 10-12g) of Sherlock’s Pico de Orizaba beans
  • 6 oz (180ml) of filtered water
  • Your favourite coffee grinder
  • French press or pour-over setup (dealer’s choice!)

Let’s get brewing:

  1. First things first, let’s get that water ready. Start with fresh, cold filtered water and bring it to a boil.
  2. While the water’s heating up, grind those lovely Sherlock’s Pico de Orizaba beans to a medium-coarse consistency. Take a moment to enjoy that aroma – even without caffeine, it’s a wake-up call for your senses!
  3. If you’re team French press:
    • Add your ground coffee to the press.
    • Once your water’s just off the boil (around 195°F or 90°C), pour it over the grounds.
    • Give it a gentle stir, pop the lid on, and let it steep for about 4 minutes.
    • Slowly press the plunger down and voila! Your decaf delight is ready to pour.
  4. Pour-over fans, here’s your move:
    • Place your filter in the dripper and give it a quick rinse with hot water.
    • Add your ground coffee to the filter.
    • Start your pour by adding just enough hot water to wet all the grounds, then wait 30 seconds for it to bloom.
    • Continue pouring in a steady spiral motion until you’ve used all your water.
  5. Feeling fancy? Let’s make it a latte:
    • Steam some milk (or your favourite non-dairy alternative).
    • Pour it over your brewed coffee and watch those layers form.

Now, sit back and savour your creation! Notice how Sherlock’s Pico de Orizaba brings a bold, intense flavour to your cup? That’s the magic of a well-crafted decaf blend.

As you sip, see if you can pick out those dark chocolate notes and the gentle acidity. And if you’ve gone for a milk-based drink, enjoy the nougat sweetness and those bakery-fresh chocolate vibes. It’s like dessert in a cup!

Remember, just because it’s decaf doesn’t mean it’s boring. Sherlock’s Pico de Orizaba proves that you can have all the flavour without the caffeine jitters. It’s perfect for those late-night cravings or when you want to enjoy cup after cup without bouncing off the walls.

So, ready to solve the Case of the Missing Caffeine? Grab your bag of Sherlock’s Pico de Orizaba and start your decaf adventure. Happy brewing!


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How To Make A Medium Roast Caffeinated Brew

Hey there coffee lover. This is how to make the perfect caffeinated homemade coffee brew using a medium roast bean. Grab these Sherlock Brews and let’s get cooking; Sherlock’s Sumatra